A small update and promises of future postings :D

A lot of things have happened since my last posting and I'll begin by following-up on the things mentioned there. Two of my fellow students and I wrote a 30-page business plan for one of my ideas for a charity. The process was blood, sweat and tears, but in the end we got a product that we were satisfied with. We analyzed a concept that was a retail-organization run part-time by students with profits going to charity.

Sadly we found that the chosen product and customer-group was too small and that the concept was better suited for established retail-organizations to convert or incorporate as part of their concept. We learned a whole lot of things about starting a new business and about planning ahead. In some cases, you just have to trust your gut-feeling and go with it. In the case of this idea, I am glad I did my homework before commiting to it...:)

As for the future... There are some big changes coming as far as my location and occupation are concerned. It looks like I will be following my gut-feeling on this one...